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Revisiting Ancient Stones: The Conqueror
Revisiting Ancient Stones: The Savior
‘Twas the Night Before Jesus Came
’Twas the night before Jesus came, but most were asleep. No leader was watching, only shepherds with sheep. The scriptures and prophecies had been studied with care, Yet, when He arrived, they had no clue He was there. The leaders were nestled all snug with their...
Revisiting Ancient Stones: The Healer
The next ancient stone we will visit is found in the story of a man laying by the pool of Bethesda (John 5:1–6). Jesus is walking through an area that is filled with sick people. He stops by a man who was lame and asks a strange question: “Do you want to get well?” I...
Revisiting Ancient Stones: The Son
As we revisit memorials meant to remind us of who God is, we will find some about Jesus. One such reminder is found in the claims that He made while on this earth. Two of these claims specifically, seem to be contradictory. On the one hand, He claimed to be the Son of...
Revisiting Ancient Stones: The Creator
When revisiting memorials, it is good to start at the beginning and according to the Bible, our beginning started because of God: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). According to Genesis, God created everything and He did it in a...
Revisiting Ancient Stones
Psalm 23: When God is My Shepherd
There’s a story about a tour group traveling in Israel, enjoying the surrounding scenery, when their bus comes to a stop. As they looked to see what caused the stop, they noticed a flock of sheep crossing the road. They watched as the large flock moved past, until a...
The Purpose of Prophecy
We are living in very exciting times. It seems as though prophetic signs are happening all around us. It is also possible, though, that we have become hyper-sensitive to things prophetic. What I mean is, while there are definitely signs occurring, not everything hyped...
New Covenant, Part 3: The “New” of the New Covenant
In the first part of this study, we confirmed that there is indeed a new covenant in Jesus. In the second part, we saw some of the things that stayed the same between the old and new covenants. In this final part, we will look at what has changed and what it means for...