About My Blog
One day, during my studies, I read through Revelation 3 about the letter sent to the church of Laodicea. I had always thought that Laodicea’s problem was that they were “poor, blind, and naked” (Revelation 3:17). However, as I read verse 20 I realized what Laodicea’s problem really was. I must have read that verse hundreds of times, yet this time my eyes were opened. Jesus says, “I stand at the door and knock.” I saw something in that beautiful, yet tragic, verse I hadn’t seen before: Jesus is standing outside! Laodicean’s problem was that Jesus was no longer inside the church. Thus, to truly overcome the “poor, blind, and naked” condition, Laodiceans must open the door and invite Jesus in.
The reason I find this so striking is because the Laodicean problem is a fitting description of Christianity in our time. It doesn’t take much to see this attitude in modern Christianity (or in my own heart, for that matter). I feared that Jesus was outside knocking, when He should have been inside changing me! So, in order to make this change, and open the door, I have made the choice to go back to God’s Word and find Him. He promises that if we seek Him with our whole heart we will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13).
This blog is a result of personal studies in my search to know God more. I do not want to rely simply on tradition or “what I’ve been taught.” How many times did Jesus have to re-educate the people in His days when they simply accepted what was taught to them? I am not claiming to have all the answers. I’m not suggesting that my studies are the final answer on any of these subject either [not even close!]. They are simply the result of my own search for truth in God’s Word. Ultimately, I only wish to share my struggles and discoveries with those of you who also seek truth and desire to know God more.
– Bill