I wrote in my previous post about the Gifts of the Spirit, and the question came up: How can we tell the difference between a Spiritual gift and a natural talent? I thought that others may wonder about this as well, so I will share what I have learned from my studies.
The Bible does not really discuss or make a list of natural talents (I’m sure such a list would be huge). But, as we previously learned, the spiritual gifts are only found in three of Paul’s letters: Romans 12:6–8, 1 Corinthians 12:7–10, and Ephesians 4:11. The gifts listed in these three passages are the only ones called spiritual gifts in the Bible. This does not mean there could not be more, but only that those mentioned are the only ones verified by the Bible. Those passages alone can help us narrow down the differences between what are gifts and what are talents.
Given versus learned
However, there are other ways to tell them apart. For instance, as with any gift, a spiritual gift cannot be purchased or learned. We cannot take classes to learn a spiritual gift. We cannot become certified in any of the gifts. God gives them to us after we receive the Holy Spirit, and only when they are needed. Talents are abilities given to us at birth or learned throughout life. They exist in our lives because of our genetic makeup or because we chose to study them. We can hone a talent which tend to focus more on technique. Natural abilities make it easier for a person to perfect a talent.
Of course, since you can be born with a talent, or learn and perfect a talent, they depend our our own power and ability. Spiritual gifts, however, have to do with spiritual abilities and depend on God’s power. The Spirit provides them when our natural abilities are not enough.
Difference in their purpose
The biggest difference, though, is their purpose. Natural talents may benefit us personally and can be used (and often are) outside of a relationship with God. In fact, a natural talent is not guaranteed to be used for God. We can use them for any purpose. We can use our talents for God’s glory or personal glory; to lead or to deceive; for good or for evil. But Peter reveals the purpose of spiritual gifts in 1 Peter 4:10: “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” Spiritual gifts are given solely for the purpose of serving others. God gives us these gifts so we can distribute His grace to the world.
Paul further explains, in Ephesians 4:12, 13, that the gifts are “to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature.” Spiritual gifts are also meant to build each other up spiritually. Their purpose is to increase faith and knowledge of Jesus. This is why the Spirit grants the gift of wisdom, the gift of faith, the gift of tongues, and all of the other gifts. The Gifts of the Spirit are not meant for (and will not be used for) self-promotion or personal gratification.
Both can be used for God
I’m not saying that natural talents are bad and only the spiritual gifts are good. God is the source of our natural abilities as well. And remember, we can use our natural talents for God. Someone born with the natural talent of music may find that God perfects and sanctifies it with the presence of the Holy Spirit. God can bless our abilities when they are used for His glory. Even greater, God may choose to give a spiritual gift to complement a natural talent a person already has.
Yes, there is a clear difference between a spiritual gift and a natural talent. Basically, if you are a natural at it, it is not a spiritual gift. If you can learn it at a weekend seminar, it is not a spiritual gift. If it only promotes you and is meant to bring you glory, it is not a gift from God’s spirit. Still, even though there is a difference between them, both can be used for God’s glory. That’s the only thing that matters. So, like the Gifts of the Spirit, if you have a natural, God-given talent, use it for God!

Photo by Kira auf der Heide